Running Docker'd Streamingsystem
I covered this in a post a few weeks ago, but I've updated it a bit here.
How to get streaming system up and running!
- make sure your host(s) getting pushed to has docker installed (ubuntu instructions)
- clone my 'docker' streamingsystem
git clone -b docker
- fill out config.private.json, config.json
- I recommend setting up just a single channel. You can try running the encoder/collector on the same host if you wish!
cd streaming-system/flumotion-config/tools/pusher
. bin/activate
fab prepare_deploy
- this generates 'host files' in the hosts directory from config.json
- fill out ssh connection details in the host file. you can include a username, a password, and a keyfile. the user specified must have sudo access.
fab deploy
- this pushes out the local configuration files to the hosts and builds the images
- wait
- ~1.4gb is being downloaded from docker repository, this will only take a long time once per host because of the way commits work :)
fab up
- this starts all the flumotion containers on all hosts.
- voila~
fab down
to stop all containers on host.