GSoC Update
Update 1
Hey, just giving a first update on my status. I've been super busy this past week, had my last midterm of the quarter on Friday in Ochem and then promptly flew out of town to Dallas to visit my grandpa. When I landed, I received news of the events that had occurred at my school while I was in the air. Isla Vista(where the shootings occurred) is an extremely small/tight community and it is hard to describe the impact that this has had on us. Thus, I apologize that this is a little later than I had liked, I wanted to post this Friday when I landed but got caught up with making sure friends were okay and checking the news.
What I've gotten done
Because of the above it was quite a hectic week for me, but I'm still stuck timeline(I made this week intentionally a bit light due to the midterm). I've setup Vagrant, Docker, and have been poking around Flumotion. I made the "base" container which is simply a regular Ubuntu container with streaming-system on it. I'll push it out sometime this week to the Docker public repo.
Next Week
Next week is going to be configuring specifically the website container. I have no more big tests for another two weeks so I should have plenty of time to get this done.
And that's about it! Please keep the people of Isla Vista in your thoughts this week, we have gone through and are going through a lot!