Daily snippet
- Some github issues resolved in my repo.
- Completed remaining daughterboard drawings.
- Filled up mechanical spreadsheets and end-point usage spreadsheet.
- Reassigned PIC18F85J94 pins to use the 4 hardware UARTs. Two of the UARTs also share the only 2 available hardware I2C ports, so I2C for daughterboard auto-detection have to be bitbanged.
- Understood PIC18F85J94 PPS-Lite multiplexer. Learnt using the PIC18F85J94 pin-usage spreadsheet made by Tim and filled it up with new pin assignments.
- Went through clocking modes for the above. It turns out that it's internal Fast RC clock (FRC) source has at least 0.25% accuracy required by USB 2.0. However, I've also given the choice of putting a crystal.
- Rearranged file structure of my repo and started daughterboard schematics.