Daily snippet
- Fiddling today with the FX2LP code I found that EP 6 (isochronous-in) which is used for UVC is double-buffered but it could also be quad-buffered. I configured the configuration bits to use quad-buffering and built the binary. Will be testing out difference in FPS performance. Here's a temporary link to download the binary.
- The current situation with Cypress FX2LP needs us to significantly change our ways of integrating serial devices to HDMI2USB; the Cypress - FPGA route does not seem to work
- It seems we will have to implement the serial expansion board as a standalone board using the PIC18F85J94 being planned to be used in production board.
- It is also advisable to remove the control serial port currently implemented in Cypress FX2LP in order to free up endpoints for UVC A/B preview and HDMI audio input.